
Timisoarei Street, no. 4, Caraș – Severin County
CUI: 6695683
No. of order at ORC Caraș – Severin: J1994001179117


Pursuant to art. 111 of Law 31/1990 republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Director of S.C. PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, on 27.02.2025, at 10:00 a.m., at the Company’s headquarters, Reșita, Timisoarei Street, no. 4, Caraș – Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Approval of the 2024 balance sheet;
2. Approval of the income and expenditure budget for the year 2025;
3. Approval of the investment through the project “Central establishment for the production and storage of renewable electricity from a solar source for self-consumption”
4. Miscellaneous.

If the meeting quorum will not be met on 27.02.2025, the Ordinary General Assembly will be convened for 28.02.2025, at the same address, at the same time and with the same agenda.
The General Director, Shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, or designated proxies have access to the meeting.


Liviu – Petru Semenescu

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Manager of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on March 9, 2023, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Approval of the balance sheet for the year 2022;
2. Approval of the proposed budget for the year 2023;
3. Miscellaneous.

In the event that the quorum is not met on March 9, 2023, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for March 10, 2023, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda.
The General Manager, shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, or designated representatives have access to the meeting.

Liviu – Petru Semenescu

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Manager of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on December 14, 2022, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Extension of the term of the Board of Directors;
2. Miscellaneous.

In the event that the quorum is not met on December 14, 2022, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for December 15, 2022, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda.
The General Manager, shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, or designated representatives have access to the meeting.

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on March 17, 2022, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Approval of the financial statements for the year 2021.
2. Amendment of the scope of activity.
3. Miscellaneous.

Shareholders, the General Manager, and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the General Manager of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on December 16, 2021, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Extension of the term of the Board of Directors;
2. Approval of the proposed budget for the year 2022;
3. Miscellaneous.

In the event that the quorum is not met on December 16, 2021, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for December 17, 2021, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda.

The General Manager, shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, or designated representatives have access to the meeting.

Liviu – Petru Semenescu

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on March 18, 2021, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

1. Approval of the financial statements for the year 2020;
2. Miscellaneous.

Shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on December 16, 2020, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:
1. Prolongation of the Board of Directors mandate;
2. Signing of a real estate mortgage contract for the granted loans of SC Agromulino Holding SRL;
3. Approval of the proposed budget for the year 2021;
4. Modification or closure of the ING Bank contracted credit line.
5. Miscellaneous.

In the event that the quorum is not met on December 16, 2020, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for December 17, 2020, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda. The General Manager, shareholders, members of the Board of Directors, or designated representatives have access to the meeting.

Liviu – Petru Semenescu

  1. In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on July 7, 2020, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:
    Approval of some changes to the loan agreement no.32/13.11.2009 concluded with Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania S.A.
    Designation of the authorized person to sign supplementary agreements to the credit contract concluded with Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania S.A.

    In the event that the quorum is not met on July 7, 2020, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for July 8, 2020, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda.

    Shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.


  1. In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 3, 2020, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

    1. Approval of the financial statements for the year 2019
    2. Miscellaneous

    Shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.

  1. In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on March 15, 2019, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

    1. Approval of the financial statements for the year 2018.
    2. Miscellaneous

    Shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.

  1. In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent amendments and additions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on June 25, 2018, at 12:00 PM, at the Company’s headquarters, Resita, Timisorii Street, No. 4, Caraş-Severin County, with the following agenda:

    Extension and modification of the contracted credit facility at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania
    Modification of the guarantee structures constituted in favor of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania.

    In the event that the quorum is not met on June 25, 2018, the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting is convened for June 26, 2018, at the same address, same time, and with the same agenda.

    Shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.


On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. In short, GDPR is a regulation adopted at the EU level that obliges companies wishing to conduct direct marketing campaigns to email addresses to obtain the consent of their customers.
Its main purpose is to increase the level of personal data protection and create an atmosphere of trust that allows each individual to have control over their own data.
Within the company PANGRAM SA, owner of the MONTE BANATO brand, we attach maximum importance to communicating with our customers and strive to provide as much information as possible about promotional campaigns, technological updates, offers, and contests organized by the company.
The undersigned SC PANGRAM SA processes certain personal data only in the case of organizing contests, strictly for internal record management purposes.
We give significant importance to the correct collection and storage of personal data and commit to adhering to the European GDPR in its strictest form.
This information agreement represents prior notice regarding the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
You can withdraw your consent to receive information, offers, or promotions at any time, with effect for the future, by contacting our company representatives via email:

Reşiţa, Timişorii Street no. 4, Caraş – Severin County
Tax ID: 6695683
Registration number at the Trade Register Office Caraş – Severin: J11/1179/1994

Convening Notice

In accordance with Article 111 of Law 31/1990, republished with subsequent modifications and completions, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of S.C. PANGRAM S.A. convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 05.04.2018, at 12:00 PM, at the headquarters of the Company, Reşiţa, Timişorii Street no. 4, Caraş – Severin County, with the following agenda:
1. Approval of the financial statements and balance sheet prepared for the year 2017;
2. Miscellaneous.
In case the quorum is not met on the date of 05.04.2018, the Ordinary General Meeting will be convened for the date of 06.04.2018, at the same address, at the same time, and with the same agenda.
The shareholders and members of the Board of Directors have access to the meeting.